IEPS SibFU became the platform for the All-Russian ethnographic dictation
4 October 2016 Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology became the platform for the All-Russian ethnographic dictation operated by the Russian Humanitarian Fund and SibFU TEMPUS ALLMEET projects.
Read more: IEPS SibFU became the platform for the All-Russian ethnographic dictation
Open lectures for students OF IEPS SibFU by a researcher from the Bologna University
26September - 3 October public lectures for IEPS SibFU students were held to promote tolerance by means of cinema. The open lectures were worked out and presented by the researcher from the Bologna University (Italy), the administrator of the TEMPUS ALLMEET project, PhD Federico Zannoni.
Read more: Open lectures for students OF IEPS SibFU by a researcher from the Bologna University
Participants of the international conference visites the House of Peopls’ Friendship of Krasnoyarsk region and Cener for social adaptation and integration for migrants
21September the participants of the 14th international conference on lifelong learning organized by the SibFU TEMPUS ALLMEET project team, as well as representatives of the international project TEMPUS ALLMEET visited the House of Peoples’ Friendship of the Krasnoyarsk region and the Center of social adaptation and integration of migrants.
International Conference on Lifelong Learning started at SibFU
22-24 September the 14th International Conference on Lifelong Learning was held at the Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology, Siberian Federal University. The conference was organized by TEMPUS ALLMEET SibFU project team. A briefing on SibFU multicultural educational platform is scheduled in the conference program, the platform was developed during the implementation of the international project TEMPUS ALLMEET.
Read more: International Conference on Lifelong Learning started at SibFU
12 June Krasnoyarsk celebrated Day of Russia
12 June the country celebrated an important national holiday - Day of Russia, or Day of the Independence of Russia. It is celebrated since 2002. This is one of the youngest public holidays in the country.
TEMPUS ALLMEET IEPS SibFU team members took part in the conference on lifelong learning in St.-Petersburg
In the period 3-6 June 2016 St.-Petersburg hosted the 14th International Conference “Lifelong learning: continuous education for sustainable development” organized by the Research Institute of the social, economic and educational problems of continuous education of the Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin and the World committee on lifelong learning (France) with the support of the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning. Director of the Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology, SibFU, SibFU project team leader, O.G. Smolyaninova made a presentation on the interim results of the project TEMPUS ALLMEET.
Realization of academic mobility. SibFU ALLMEET TEMPUS project member took part in the international conference on multicultural education in Kazan
19-21 May 2016 Catherine Bezisvestnikh, a post-graduate student, realized an individual academic mobility grant as SibFU ALLMEET TEMPUS project member. She took part in the 2nd International Forum on Teacher Education and made a presentation at the IIIrd International Scientific and Practical conference "Multicultural education environment and teacher training: Integration of the Russian experience." The organizer of the international forum was Kazan (Volga) Federal University.
Read more: Realization of academic mobility. SibFU ALLMEET TEMPUS project member took part in the...
12 May 2016 within the project TEMPUS ALLMEET a course in Basis of Projecting Activity and Implementing the Ideas in the Multicultural Environment started
12 May 2016 within the project TEMPUS ALLMEET a course in Basis of Projecting Activity and Implementing the Ideas in the Multicultural Environment started. Location: Polycultural Centre of Lifelong Learning, IEPS SibFU (pereulok Kazarmenny, 8).
Basis of projecting activity and their implementing in a multicultural environment
12 -13 May 2016 we invite all interested people to take part in free of charge courses
"Basis of projecting activity and their implementing in a multicultural environment" held in the framework of the TEMPUS ALLMEET project.
Read more: Basis of projecting activity and their implementing in a multicultural environment
The SibFU ALLMEET TEMPUS project team member wins the Prokhorov Foundation travel grant
The SibFU ALLMEET TEMPUS project team member, post graduate student of IEPS SibFU Catherine Bezyzvestnykh won the individual Prokhorov Foundation travel grant. Catherine took part in the open competition, she will take part in the II International Forum on Teacher Education and report at the III International scientific and practical conference "Multicultural education space and teacher training: the integration of the Russian and international experience", which will take place on the basis of Kazan (Volga) Federal University in the period 19- 21 May, 2016.
Read more: The SibFU ALLMEET TEMPUS project team member wins the Prokhorov Foundation travel grant