July 10-12, 2015 in Shushenskoye village, Krasnoyarsk region, International Festival of Music and Crafts “Mir Sibiri” took place."
The event was attended by thousands of visitors.
10 July 2015 in the Krasnoyarsk region has been declared a day of mourning. There was a minute of silence, and the corrections were introduced in the program. All the artists began their performances with lyrical compositions. In fact July 10th is not the first day of the festival, the participats of the festival arrived in Shushenskoye a few days before the official opening and the organizing committee found it impossible to cancel the event.
“Mir Sibiri” means:
- Music - more than 200 applications for participation and world-famous performers as headliners. Very wide festival geography from the Crimea to Taimyr, from Chita to Tver. Among foreign visitors there are grops from Scotland, Ireland, Congo, Georgia and Belarus.
- Crafts and master classes. The innovation of the year is the award in Crafts.
- Traditional ceremonies: haymaking , songs, roundelays, folk dances, and many more activities.
- The nature and fresh air.
- Tasty and varied food thanks to multinational cuisine.
- The number of planned and spontaneous activities is large, everyone chooses what is closer to him.
- A lovely family holiday - and a wonderful children's playground leisure activities for children.
Official web-site of the event http://www.festmir.ru/en/