Seminar carried out by Assembly of Peoples of Russia in Krasnoyarsk
Participants of the TEMPUS ALLMEET project Olga Smolyaninova, Alexander Mashanov, Antonida Lukina, Ekaterina Valyaeva, Elena Nazarenko and Marina Rostovtseva took part in the Siberian district seminar "Resource educational and methodological center in the sphere of national relations"Russian national entity " organized by the Assembly of the Peoples of Russia.
The seminar was held on June 16-19, 2015 in Krasnoyarsk.
The seminar was devoted to the strategy in the sphere of state national policy, the mechanisms of its implementation on the federal, regional and municipal levels and information support of the state national policy.
The seminar included a workshop in social and cultural project development technology (social and cultural project, grant application, project management).
One of the topics of the seminar was the information support of socially oriented non-governmental organizations working in the sphere of national relations.
The seminar was attended by leaders of national autonomies of Siberian district, government officials and leaders of civil society organizations, employees of educational institutions, mass media and people working in the sphere of culture and art.