Считаете ли Вы, что толерантность это ключевая (базовая) компетенция для современного педагога?
Да, считаю - 25.4%
Скорее да, чем нет - 1.3%
Скорее нет, чем да - 0.2%
Нет, не считаю - 72.8%
Total votes: 52824
The voting for this poll has ended
Календарь событий
Elena M.Nazarenko
Elena M.Nazarenko
Position, academic degree: Senior teacher, IT in Education and Lifelong Learning Chair, Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology, SibFU
Scientific interests: Professional development, lifelong learning, elearning, ESP
Contact information: work tel.: +7 (391) 2469931, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.