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Скорее нет, чем да - 0.2%
Нет, не считаю - 72.8%
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Календарь событий
IEPS SibFU Student is l Vice - Miss of the Yakutia beauty and talents "Kere - Kuo" contest
A spectacular annual Yakut beauty and talent "Kere Kuo 2017" contest among girls of Krasnoyarsk took place on 9 April, 2017.
The student of the 2nd course of "Pedagogical education" profile "Tutor" of IEPS SibFU Rosalia Ustinova became the winner of two nominations: "Naryana Kuo" (Miss Talent) and "Aitaly Kuo" (1 Vice-Miss). The competition was attended by 7 girls from different universities.The jury awarded the girls with the scores at the end of each 5 passages:introduction, talent, common dance, avantgarde contest on the topic "Phoenix Bird" and passage in evening dresses. For the introduction contestants came out in their national costumes and spoke about their native ulus (neighbourghood), on talent stage there was dancing, singing, reading of the epic tales in the Yakut language and playing modern music on the khomus .
We congratulate Rosalia and wish her further victories!