Считаете ли Вы, что толерантность это ключевая (базовая) компетенция для современного педагога?
Да, считаю - 25.4%
Скорее да, чем нет - 1.3%
Скорее нет, чем да - 0.2%
Нет, не считаю - 72.8%
Total votes: 52824
The voting for this poll has ended
Календарь событий
In SibFU the training course under the Presidential program "I am Russian" was conducted
On 23 March 2017 in SibFU the first day of the course under the Presidential program of civil identity formation of "I am Russian" was held.
The event was organized by the Faculty of teachers' training of Siberian Federal University and the Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology.
SibFU professors, school teachers, college teachers of the Krasnoyarsk region, professional educators, undergraduates and graduate students in mini lectures and workshops were introduced to the interactive methods of the civil identity formation .
The trainers were the experts of the Center of tolerance, Moscow:
Svetlana Orlenko and Alexander Savushkin, Candidate of Law Sciences, the Head of the educational projects .
On the second final day of the training courses there will be a protection of methodological developments and
the issuance of certificates to the participants who successfully trained under the program.