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Календарь событий
SibFU team took part in the final conference Devoted to the results of the international project TEMPUS ALLMEET
14-16 February 2017 at the Moscow State Pedagogical Universityan international conference «ALLMEET IN RUSSIA: EDUCATION AND TOLERANCE FOR MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY" was held. The results of the international Tempus project «Actions of Lifelong Learning addressing Multicultural Education and Tolerance in Russia (ALLMEET)» were discussed at the conference. The goal of the project is improving inter-ethnic cooperation, relations between society and migrants, the reduction of tension and conflict in the Russian regions taking part in the project (Moscow, Tatarstan, Mari El Republic, Arkhangelsk oblast, Krasnoyarsk Krai).
Director of TEMPUS / ERASMUS + in Russia Dr. of Education, Prof.O.N.Oleynikov made the welcoming speech. Among the invited key note speakers there were Chief researcher of the Institute for Childhood, Family and Education of RAE Dr. of Education, Prof. M.I.Rozhkov, General Education Center School Director of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work of Queens University (UK) Joanne Hughes and others.
The project team of the Siberian Federal University headed by Dr. of Education, Prof., Academician of RAO O.G. Smolyaninova took an active part in the conference. At the plenary session of the first day of the conference O.G. Smolyaninova and D.O. Trufanov, Head. of Sociology Chair, SibFU made a presentation reporting the results of studies carried out on the basis of the Siberian Federal University "The practice of tolerance in a multicultural environment of the Krasnoyarsk Territory: intercultural educational platform of SibFU".
Among the significant events of the second day of the international conference there were the workshops delivered by the participants of the ALLMEET project. Siberian Federal University and Kazan (Volga) Federal University designed and implemented a master class in "Multicultural art gallery." Catherine Bezizvestnikh, SibFU post-graduate student, assistant teacher of IT in Education and Lifelong Learning Chair, SibFU presented an interactive class. The participants’ results of the master class are published on the websites of Moscow City University, SibFU, in the social networks Instagram and VKontakte.
The final event of the conference was the visit to the Centre of Tolerance and Museum of Tolerance, participation in the interactive experiment disclosing the technology intercultural competence formation in a multicultural educational environment.