Считаете ли Вы, что толерантность это ключевая (базовая) компетенция для современного педагога?
Да, считаю - 25.4%
Скорее да, чем нет - 1.3%
Скорее нет, чем да - 0.2%
Нет, не считаю - 72.8%
Total votes: 52824
The voting for this poll has ended
Календарь событий
SibFU team presented publications at the conference «WE ALLMEET IN RUSSIA»
At the final international conference «WE ALLMEET IN RUSSIA: EDUCATION AND TOLERANCE FOR THE MULTICULTURAL SOCIETY» held at the Moscow State Pedagogical University 14-16 February 2017 SibFU project team presented publications. During the period of project implementation ALLMEET SibFU team published more than 1300 pages of materials devoted to the project including more than 20 articles in Russian and foreign scientific journals, 3 of the articles are indexed by the Higher Attestation Commition. Six of the articles are cited in the international databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. Among the publications there are also a textbook and a tutorial.