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Да, считаю - 25.4%
Скорее да, чем нет - 1.3%
Скорее нет, чем да - 0.2%
Нет, не считаю - 72.8%
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Календарь событий
Miss Asia-Siberia 2016 selected
X Interational Contest of Beauty and Talent “Asia-Siberia 2016” took place in the Congress Hall of SibFU 6 November 2016. The most beautiful girls from different cities of Russia, representatives of different nationalities from Buryatia, Tatarstan, Bashkortostan, Tyva, Khakassia, Uzbekistan, Sakha (Yakutia) took part in the contest.
International contest of Beauty and Talent “Asia-Siberia” is held for the purpose of preservation and development of national, cultural, historical and spiritual values.
Olga Smolyaninova, head of SibFU Tempus ALLMEET project, head of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund -64 project, Director of IEPS SibFU was invited in the jury.
The victory in the competition was awarded to Renata Mansurova from the Republic of Tatarstan.