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Календарь событий
The project team TEMPUS ALLMEET SFU He participated in the international seminar in the University of Bologna
17October 2016 Head of the Siberian Federal University team of ALLMEET TEMPUS project, Director of IEPS SibFU Olga Smolyaninova, Ekaterina Bezyzvestnykh, postgraduate IEPS student and assistant, IT in Education and LLL Chair, Yulia Popova, master’s program student, IEPS SibFU participated in the international seminar on "University and civil society in a multicultural context: research, innovation and best practices in Europe and Russia. Discussion of the TEMPUS ALLMEET project ». The seminar was held at the Bologna University (Italy), the coordinator of the project.
Head of the Siberian Federal University team of ALLMEET TEMPUS project, Director of IEPS SibFU Olga Smolyaninova made a presentation and presented the interim results of the intercultural educational platform of IEPS SibFU. 6 Russian educational platforms developed by the Russian project partners were presented at the seminar. The interest of the participants raised presentations made by Italian members of the municipalities and multicultural centers. The seminar finished with the project session on sustainable development of the project results in each of the universities and educational institutions. The Russian partners shared the results of practical work and plans to further development of the project results in the framework of its implementation.