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Календарь событий
TEMPUS ALLMEET IEPS SibFU team members took part in the conference on lifelong learning in St.-Petersburg
In the period 3-6 June 2016 St.-Petersburg hosted the 14th International Conference “Lifelong learning: continuous education for sustainable development” organized by the Research Institute of the social, economic and educational problems of continuous education of the Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin and the World committee on lifelong learning (France) with the support of the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning. Director of the Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology, SibFU, SibFU project team leader, O.G. Smolyaninova made a presentation on the interim results of the project TEMPUS ALLMEET.
In the period 3-6 June 2016 St.-Petersburg hosted the 14th International Conference “Lifelong learning: continuous education for sustainable development” organized by the Research Institute of the social, economic and educational problems of continuous education of the Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin, Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin and the World committee on lifelong learning (France) with the support of the UNESCO Institute of Lifelong Learning. Director of the Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology, SibFU, SibFU project team leader, O.G. Smolyaninova made a presentation on the interim results of the project TEMPUS ALLMEET.
Conference devoted to the discussing issues on lifelong learning as a factor of personal and professional development and presentating innovative national and international practices; opportunities for implementing lifelong learning in the ever-changing social, cultural and economic space. It provides an innovative platform for establishing contacts with the leaders of Russian and international education; and educational trends. Every year the conference is attended by over 200 specialists from Russia and Europe.
The main focus of the conference in 2016 is to discuss the issues of modernization of higher education in Russia. During roundtable meetings the opportunities of higher education institutions were discussed to play a key role in implementing lifelong learning in areas such as migration, intercultural education, human rights; as well as raising the level of tolerance towards migrants and ethnic minorities, which is one of TEMPUS ALLMEET project main objectives.
Head of SibFU TEMPUS ALLMEET team presented the experience of the Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology in using a polycultural lifelong learning education platform which is successfully implemented in the Krasnoyarsk region, and introduced the innovative VPL-evaluation technology for personal and professional experience assessment of students used in training bachelor’s and
master’s program students specializing in Education, Psychology and Sociology. The activity of IEPS SibFU Multicultural center of lifelong learning was also presented.
Olga Smolyaninova made a report on the plenary session of the conference with the presentation of the second part of the international conference “Lifelong learning: continuous education for sustainable development” which will take place in Krasnoyarsk 22-24 September 2016. Vera V. Korshunova, Associate Professor, Information Technology in Education and lifelong Leaning chair assisted the project presentation
For conference participants an educational tour around the churches of St.- Petersburg which is part of the cultural heritage was organized.
We are waiting for all the interested parties in the city of Krasnoyarsk 22-24 September 2016 at the second part of the international conference “Lifelong learning: continuous education for sustainable development”. Registration of participants is available on the conference website http://conf.sfu-kras.ru/lifelong-education . Deadline for registration: 1 August 2016.
Welcome to the meeting in Krasnoyarsk!