Считаете ли Вы, что толерантность это ключевая (базовая) компетенция для современного педагога?
Да, считаю - 25.4%
Скорее да, чем нет - 1.3%
Скорее нет, чем да - 0.2%
Нет, не считаю - 72.8%
Total votes: 52824
The voting for this poll has ended
Календарь событий
Basis of projecting activity and their implementing in a multicultural environment
12 -13 May 2016 we invite all interested people to take part in free of charge courses
"Basis of projecting activity and their implementing in a multicultural environment" held in the framework of the TEMPUS ALLMEET project.
2 -13 May 2016 we invite all interested people to take part in free of charge courses
"Basis of projecting activity and their implementing in a multicultural environment" held in the framework of the TEMPUS ALLMEET project.
Time: 15-00
Location: Multicultural Centre on the basis of personal training services and lifelong learning, Krasnoyarsk, Razarmenny, 8.
The goal: training to plan, organize and administrate project activities, work out the ability to hold a research, share and present knowledge and experience.
After the two days of work all the participants will have the skills in project design to apply to different funds for project support.
It is expected that the course "Basis of projecting activity and their implementing in a multicultural environment" within the framework of the TEMPUS ALLMEET project
will attract representatives of the diaspora, non-government organizations of Krasnoyarsk region, social work officers, school directors, teachers and methodology teachers.