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Календарь событий
Round Table on Interethnic Conflicts in the Youth Multicultural Environment and Ways their Resolution
14April 2016 in the framework of TEMPUS «ALLMEET» project was held a briefing in the form of a round table. It was devoted to "Interethnic conflicts in the youth multicultural environment and ways their resolution". The briefing was attended by representatives of national autonomies and diasporas of Krasnoyarsk region, head of the Center of social adaptation and integration of migrants, and deputy school directors, methodologists and teachers, administration of the House of Friendship of the Peoples of Krasnoyarsk region, and members of the SibFU ALLMEET NEMPUS project team.
14April 2016 in the framework of TEMPUS «ALLMEET» project was held a briefing in the form of a round table. It was devoted to "Interethnic conflicts in the youth multicultural environment and ways their resolution". The briefing was attended by representatives of national autonomies and diasporas of Krasnoyarsk region, head of the Center of social adaptation and integration of migrants, and deputy school directors, methodologists and teachers, administration of the House of Friendship of the Peoples of Krasnoyarsk region.
Roundtable participants underlined the efforts being made by the state and society for the prevention of interethnic conflicts and the formation of a tolerant attitude to the representatives of various nationalities among the youth of the Krasnoyarsk region. Key speakers presented the trends and results of the activities undertaked in the area. Deputy Head of PR Department of Krasnoyarsk region Governor R.G.Rafikov described the content of the work which is being carried out by the Government of Krasnoyarsk region. It includes organizing the various discussion areas for representatives of national and cultural associations; maintaining and promoting traditional cultural values in the areas of residence of representatives of the authentic population of Krasnoyarsk region; holding national and multicultural events, monitoring interethnic situation in Krasnoyarsk region.
Director of the House of Friendship of the Peoples of Krasnoyarsk region P. Suvorov shared experience in planning, organizing and holding polycultural meetings for peoples of the region. Director of the Krasnoyarsk regional branch of the Federal Migration Department I. Gordeev told about practical work of the institutional and legal support for foreign labor migrants arriving in our region. Much work is being done by the Center of social adaptation and integration of migrants.
The discussion highlighted the key risk factors that could have a destructive impact on interethnic situation in the region and increase the risk of interethnic conflicts in youth environment. Among the risks there are the low responsibility of the media which reveals itself in broadcasting negative information on international relations; the threats emerging in connection with the distribution of harmful information via Internet; the existence of negative ethnic stereotypes in social institutions such as education and healthcare.
Dmitry O. Trufanov, PhD in Sociology, Head of Sociology Chair, IEPS SibFU carried out the functions of a moderator and guided the discussion. It was possible as a result to define the areas of activity implementation of which will reduce the negative impact of the mentioned risk factors. According to the participants of the round table these are the prospective areas of work:
• cultural awareness - broadcast information on the various peoples living in Krasnoyarsk region, their culture and values through various forms and methods;
•formation of interethnic tolerance using the tools of multicultural education, LLL technology and polyicultural educational technology platform; •moral education, translation of the values of tolerance and reconciliation, above all in the family;
•moral education, translation of the values of tolerance and agreement, in the first place within the family;
•regulatory methods used in the context of government management - ensuring operation of laws in the area of social relations, supporting constructive initiatives for developing interethnic dialogue;
•use of modern technologies for presenting national and cultural associations of Krasnoyarsk region in the information and social environment of the region - from marketing techniques to attract media coverage to the national and multicultural events and activities;
•creating conditions for the preservation and development of national cultures and traditions, language, values and identity;
• scientific and methodological support of the society and the state to form a comfortable multicultural environment of the region - through sociological monitoring of interethnic situation, the joint efforts of teachers and psychologists for the formation of scientific principles for this activity.
The Head of the round table and Head of the SibFU team of TEMPUS «ALLMEET» project Olga G. Smolyaninova said that the significant outcome of the event was the experience exchange, practices and trends for prevention of interethnic conflicts among young people undertaken by the government, universities, national autonomies and diasporas of Krasnoyarsk region. The role of the Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology of SibFU is particularly important due to the possibilities of polycultural educational platform of the LLL Polycultural Centre on the basis of PL2S, which was established in the framework of the TEMPUS ALLMEET international project.
In the near future on the basis of polycultural educational platform a section for information presenting national autonomies and diasporas of Krasnoyarsk region will be established, including the announcements of national holidays, activities, events.