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Календарь событий
A Briefing with Representatives of the Authorities took place at the House of People’s Friendship of Krasnoyarsk region
11 February, 2016 in the House of People’s Friendship of the Krasnoyarsk region Territory took part a briefing with government officials. The briefing was dedicated to the state program of the Krasnoyarsk Region "Strengthening the Unity of the Russian Nation and Ethnic and Cultural Development of the peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Region". Head of TEMPUS ALLMEET Project at SibFU Smolyaninova Olga took part in the meeting.
11 February, 2016 in the House of People’s Friendship of the Krasnoyarsk region Territory took part a briefing with government officials. The briefing was dedicated to the state program of the Krasnoyarsk Region "Strengthening the Unity of the Russian Nation and Ethnic and Cultural Development of the peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Region". Head of TEMPUS ALLMEET Project at SibFU Smolyaninova Olga took part in the meeting.
11 February, 2016 in the House of People’s Friendship of the Krasnoyarsk region a meeting of the steering committee took place. It was devoted to introducing amendments in the state program of the Krasnoyarsk region in "Strengthening the Unity of the Russian Nation and Ethnic and Cultural Development of the peoples of the Krasnoyarsk Region" for the period 2015-2018.
Director of IEPS SibFU, Dr., SibFU TEMPUS «ALLMEET» project leader Olga Smolyaninova and Dr. of Philosophy, Head of Department of Cultural Studies, Humanities Institute of SibFU Natalia Koptseva acted as experts and actively participated in the discussion and introducing amendments to the program, in approving the action plan for its implementation in 2016. Earlier in 2015 Olga Smolyaninova and Natalia Koptseva worked out expert assessment of the Program
The group for introducing amendments to the Program also included the deputy Chairman of the Legislative Assembly of the Krasnoyarsk Region A.M. Kleshko, deputies of the Legislative Assembly O.A. Pashchenco, V.S. Bedarev, deputy Head of the PR of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Region, the chairman of the Supervisory Board of The House of People’s Friendship of the Krasnoyarsk Region R.G.Rafikov, leaders and representatives of various social organizations, national and cultural autonomies.
The Programme for the period from 2015 began with implementing : 1) "Formation of Russian National Identity», 2) "Preservation and development of the Russian ethnos and Russian cossacks», 3) "Preservation and development of ethnic and cultural traditions of peoples living in Krasnoyarsk Region", 4)" Prevention of ethnic tensions, ethnic extremism and xenophobia. "
Following the meeting many suggestions were made, which will be considered and included in the Committee's decision, and in the state program "Strengthening the Unity of the Russian Nation and Ethnic and Cultural Development of the Peoples of the Krasnoyarsk region" (News taken from http://kras.mk.ru/articles/2016/02/12/deputaty-proverili-druzhbu-narodov-krasnoyarskogo-kraya.html).
Olga Smolyaninova says that participating in discussions and working out amendments to the Program is a unique opportunity for the further implementation and deployment of cross-cultural and international events not only on the basis of the Siberian Federal University, but also at the Intercultural center for continuing education and personal training services of IEPS SibFU.
Among the activities the implementation for the Intercultural center for continuing education and personal training services of IEPS SibFU the participants agreed:
1. Holding of workshops aimed at developing project competences of migrants’.
2. Organization and carrying out educational interethnic and interreligious seminars and briefings;
3. Preparation of information materials;
4. Using the research capacity, including the project TEMPUS «ALLMEET» experience.
Intercultural center for continuing education and personal training services of IEPS SibFU was established in October 2015 based on the decision of the Academic Council of SibFU (http://news.sfu-kras.ru/node/16145). Olga Smolyaninov, Head of the SibFU TEMPUS «ALLMEET» says that active work in organizing and holding intercultural, interreligious and international events, including young people and potential students is especially important for SibFU participation in the federal project "5-100".