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Календарь событий
Мonitoring of the international project TEMPUS ALLMEET in Moscow
22 of January 2016 in Moscow city pedagogical University the monitoring of the project TEMPUS "ALLMEET” was held. Deputy Director of the national office of TEMPUS and ERASMUS+ in Russia, doctor of Philology, Anna Muraveva was invited as an expert.
The event was attended by representatives of the coordinator partner — University of Bologna (Italy) and Russian universities — Institute of pedagogy and sociology of professional education, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Mari state University, Siberian Federal University, Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Moscow city pedagogical University.
The researcher of University of Bologna Federico Zanonni in the report made the review of the project, told about the partners contribution, about the course of work on the project, about the events been held, about plans for ensuring sustainability of project’s results. The Russian participants presented intermediate results of realization of intercultural educational platforms and dissemination of results of the project. The report from SibFU was made by Yana Daineko and Yulia Popova, having presented substantial part and the reached results on implementation of the project at the Siberian federal university in 2015.
During a meeting approaches to structure the intercultural educational platforms and contents and maintenance of programs of the training resources were also formulated, criteria of an assessment of learning outcomes and efficiency of activity were chosen, questions of observance of formal requirements to scientific work of partners of the project are considered.
The expert noted relevance of the project subject, high quality of the work done and gave appreciation to intermediate results of work on the project.
Following the results of the carried-out monitoring by the expert A.A. Muravyeva the expert opinion will be made. Members of consortium will receive the report on an assessment of quality of implementation of the project, and also the recommendation about work improvement. At participants of the project will pass two more examinations by foreign experts is it is necessary for safe end of the project by the end of 2016.