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Календарь событий
Working meeting in Lisbon in the framework of the TEMPUS ALLMEET project
In the period from 23rd to 27th of November 2015 SibFU delegation participated in the international scientific and practical events organized by the team of the New University of Lisbon in the framework of the project TEMPUS ALLMEET in Lisbon (Portugal). The team of Siberian Federal University was represented by prof. Olga Smolyaninova, the head of the project group and Ekaterina Valiaeva, responsible performer.
On 23rd of November 2015 within the framework of the working meeting in the New University of Lisbon the international seminar «Intercultural Dialogue: Learning, Speaking and Sharing» was held.
SibFU delegation headed by prof. Olga Smolyaninovа presented a report "Assessment of multicultural competencies within the framework of the project TEMPUS ALLMEET", which presented the results of an input diagnostic, which determines the level of tolerance to representatives of other nationalities on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk territory.
On 24th and 25th of November the Russian delegation visited CNAI – «The National Immigrant Support Centers» as well as the secondary school of Camões (Escola Secundária de Camões) with the aim of studying the experience of their activities on the adaptation of migrants in European society.
On November 26 a meeting with academic staff and undergraduate students of the faculty "Social Sciences and Humanities" (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas) of the New University of Lisbon was held. Professor Ricardo Vieira (Ricardo Vieira) presented his investigations in the field of intercultural mediation and social invention. The successful experience of the faculty "Social Sciences and Humanities" in implementing advanced learning technologies was also presented to the audience by prof. Maria do Carmo Vieira da Silva (Maria do Carmo Vieira da Silva).
One of the outcomes of the meeting was the signing of a Memorandum of cooperation between the Institute of Pedagogical Science, Psychology and Sociology, Siberian Federal University and the Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities of the New University of Lisbon. In accordance with the Memorandum it is planned to conduct joint research, organize international network master's degree program and hold a series of cultural and educational exchanges.