18-19 September 2014 a workshop took place within the project “Actions of Lifelong Learning addressing Multicultural Education and Tolerance in Russia”.
The participants from universities and other educational institution of Russia, Italy, Portugal, Great Britain and the Netherlands took part in the event.
Проект реализуется в рамках гранта европейской программы Tempus и рассчитан на 36 месяцев. Стартовал он в 2013 году.
The coordinator of the project is Bologna University Alma Mater Studiorum (Italy). Five Russian and 3 European universities take part in the project as well as European Centre for assessment prior knowledge (the Netherlands), Institute of Pedagogy and Sociology Vocational Education RAO, and non-government organization “Golden Heart” from Kazan.
The workshop at IEPS SibFU is the second project meeting.
Director of the Institute of Education, Psychology and Sociology SFU, Dr. of Education Olga G. Smolyaninova told that the project is devoted to developing the concept and common understanding of multicultural education, to introducing a dialogue in a society where there are large migrant flows: "The Europeans have experience in dealing with these problems, practical and theoretical developments. We also have such experience on the regional level. We plan on the basis of theoretical and empirical research to work out a general concept for multicultural educational platform. To test it in the five regions of Russia, and use Internet ; and start preparing teachers to work with students to develop a tolerant attitude towards other ethnic groups, religions aiming at formation of a new civil society. "
"The main objective of the project is the description, informative material about the situation in intercultural communications” says Morena Kukonato, Professor of University of Bologna. “ We have to establish contacts between different organizations beginning governmental and non—governmental so that universities, countries, regions which are involved in the project were able to integrate and work together to implement these ideas. "
During the workshop the participants made a review of the existing studies in Russia and Europe, a topical glossary in Russian and English, worked out the approaches to creating intercultural educational platforms and personalized services for lifelong learning.
" A large delegation from partner universities and organizations came to Krasnoyarsk. From this meeting we are waiting the promotion of the project results to the next stage. And not only in the coordination of our positions, developing a common vision on multicultural education, but also in the study of international experience in training of teachers and studying new technologies in the information sphere - here at SibFU and abroad ", - summarized Olga G. Smolyaninova.