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Календарь событий
January 2017
Monday, 30 January 2017
The head of the SibFU team of “ALLMEET” project performed a public lecture at the Düsseldorf University named after Heinrich Heine
- Article Details
On January 25, 2017 TEMPUS project manager of Siberian Federal University, doctor of Education, professor, Academician of RAE Olga Smolyaninova performed as the visit –professor with a public lecture at the Heinrich Heine University (Düsseldorf, Germany). Interactive lecture was devoted to migration processes and migration policy in Russia. Among listeners were professors, scientists, students, expatriates and all the other interested participants. During the lecture, there was an interesting and productive discussion. There were new contacts established to continue effective scientific and educational activities in the frameworks of the implementation of the projects and other educational activities on the territory of Krasnoyarsk Region.
The upcoming event will be the International Summer School on “Multicultural Mediation”. The Summer school will take place at SibFU summer camp "Polytekhnyk» in July 2017.
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